
Milenko Kostov, MD

Specialist in Neurosurgery


PhD in Clinical Medicine

Faculty of Medicine, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje



Specialist Neurosurgeon

Faculty of Medicine, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje



Doctor of Medicine

Faculty of Medicine, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje


2023 – present

Acibadem Sistina Hospital

Specialist in Neurosurgery



“Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje

Research Associate of the Subject “Surgery”



PHI University Clinic for Neurosurgery, Skopje

Specialist in Neurosurgery



“Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje“

Teaching Assistant of the Subject “Surgery”



PHI University Clinic for Neurosurgery, Skopje

Neurosurgery Resident


  • Member of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies
  • Member of the Southeast Neurosurgical Society
  • Member of the Serbian Neurosurgical Society
  • Member of the Serbian Spinal Association
  • Member of the Macedonian Society of Neurosurgeons
  • Founder and Secretary of the Macedonian Spinal Association
  • Member of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies

TV appearance on topic: “Degenerative Changes of the Cervical Spine”








  • Aneurysms of the middle cerebral artery -Kostov, Milenko ; Lazarova, Dobrila ; Chaparoski, Aleksandar ; Ace, Dodevski ; Jota, Gjorgi; Micunovic, Mile – Acta morphologica


  • The Association between Malnutrition and Pressure Ulcers in Elderly in Long-Term Care Facility, Neloska, Lenche; Damevska, Katerina ; Nikolchev, Andjelka; Pavleska, Lidija; Petreska-Zovic, Biljana; Kostov, Milenko – Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences


  • Anatomy of the superior cerebellar artery – Ace Dodevski, Dobrila Lazarova, Marija Papazova, Menka Lazareska, Milenko Kostov, Vjolca Aliji – Italian Journal Of Anatomy And Embryology, Vol. 121, n. 1 (Supplement): 102, 2016


  • Dandy Walker and Extreme Macrocephaly Caused by Enormous Occipital Encephalocele, Mirchevski Vladimir, Zogovska Elizabeta, Chaparoski Aleksandar, Kostov Milenko, Micunovic Micun Bushinoska Jasna, .1515/mmr-2016-0030, Macedonian Medical Review


  • Aneurysm of the anterior communicating artery Kostov, Milenko ; Lazarova, Dobrila ; Chaparoski, Aleksandar ; Mircevski, Vladimir ; Ace, Dodevski, Acta Morphologica


  • Circonscript subcutaneous arteriovenous malformation of the head Mirchevski, Vladimir ; Zogovska, Elizabeta ; Chaparoski, Aleksandar ; Filipce, Venko ; Kostov, Milenko ; Mirchevski, Mirko Mishel – Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts / De Gruyter


  • Dermatological diseases in palliative care patients: a prospective study of 271 patients Neloska, Lenche; Damevska, Katerina ; Kuzmanova, Andjelka; Pavleska, Lidija; Kostov, Milenko ; Petreska Zovic, Biljana – JDDG: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft Neloska L, Damevska K, Nikolchev A, Pavleska L, Petreska-Zovic B, Kostov M.


  • The Association between Malnutrition and Pressure Ulcers in Elderly in Long-Term Care Facility. Open Access Maced J Med Sci. 2016 Sep 15;4(3):423-427. doi: 10.3889/oamjms.2016.094. Epub 2016 Aug 22. PMID: 27703567; PMCID: PMC5042627.


  • Endovascular Treatment of Wide Neck Aneurysms            Lazareska, Menka ; Aliji, Vjolca; Stojovska-Jovanovska, Elizabeta ; Businovska, Jasna; Mircevski, Vladimir; Kostov, Milenko ; Papazova, Marija – Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences


  • Endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysm on anterior circulation Lazareska, Menka ; Aliji, Vjolca; Jakimovska Dimitrovska, Maja ; Businovska, Jasna; Janevski, Petar ; Daskalov, Dejan; Kostov, Milenko ; Papazova, Marija, Acta Morphologica


  • Correlation Between Risk Factors For Onset Of Disc Herniation And Localization Of The Pathologic Change – Janevski, Petar ; Lazareska, Menka ; Anastasovski, Mirko; Janevski, Georgi; Kostov, Milenko ; Talevski, D – ACTA MORPHOLOGICA


  • Challenges In Endovascular Treatment Of Wide Neck Aneurysms Lazareska, Menka ; Janevski, Petar ; Kostov, Milenko ; Caparovski, Aleksandar; Mirchevski, Vladimir ; Bushinovska, Jasna; Rendevski, Vladimir ; Dodevski, Ace ; Shuntov, Blagoja; Asani, Elmedina,  – 5th Annual Meeting of Serbian Neurosurgical Society 2019 with International Participation


  • Spinal Epidural Hematoma after Lumbar Catheter Insertion in a Patient Who Underwent TEVAR for an Aneurysm of the Descending Aorta. Milenko K, Menka L, Jasna B, Ace D, Elmedina A (2020) J Spine Neurosurg 9:1.


  • Evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of computed tomography – guided periradicular therapy in patients with extraforaminal disc herniations. Veljanovski, Dimitar; Prgova, Biljana ; Kostova, Masha; Kostov, Milenko ; Dodevski, Ace – Journal of Morphological Sciences


  • Continuous intravenous nimodipine application for prevention of vasospasm before endovascular treatment of ruptured cerebral aneurisms – Jasna M. Bushinoska, Aleksandar Chaparoski, Menka Lazareska, Gabriela Bushinoska-Ivanova, Ljubomir Ognjenovic, Milenko Kostov, Elmedina Asani, Dina Zafirova, Marija Vesova, Journal of Morphological Sciences, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 2, p. 142-149, aug. 2022. ISSN 2545-4706.


  • Peripheral neuropathy in SARS-Cov-2 – a case report, Asani E, Bushinovska J. Lazarevska M. Kostov M., Congress of the Macedonian Neurological Society


  • Intradural extramedullary ependymoma of conus medullaris: case report and literature review – Milenko Kostov, Robert Shumkovski, Ivica Kocevski, Elmedina Asani, Menka Lazareska, Jasna Bushinosvka –  The 16th Asian- Australian Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Jerusalem, Israel


  • Subarachnoid Hematoma of the Craniocervical Junction аfter Traumatic Cerebral Contusion, treated with a spinal tap: Case Report and literature review – Milenko Kostov, Aleksandar Caparoski, Elmedina Asani – The 16th Asian- Australian Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Jerusalem, Israel
  • 2009 – One-year residency as part of the specialist internship at the Clinic of Neurosurgery at the Clinical Centre of Serbia;
  • 2010 – Educational residency at the Neurochirurgische Klinik des Uniklinikums Erlangen, Germany;
  • 2011 – Participant at the Basic Neurosurgery Course in Istanbul, Turkiye;
  • 2012 – Participant at the Basic Neurosurgery Course in Istanbul, Turkiye;
  • 2013 – Participant at the Spinal Surgery Seminars organized by the Weill Cornell University in Salzburg, Austria;
  • 2016 – Professional-educational residency at the Helsinki University Hospital Neurosurgery Clinic – Toolo Hospital;
  • 2018 – Innovations and Trends in Spinal Surgery – Implementations in the Everyday Practice – Summer school organized by Medtronic, Helsinki, Finland;
  • 2018 – Thoraco-Lumbar Fixation Course organized by Johnson & Johnson Institute, Ankaran, Slovenia;
  • 2019 – Participant of the Third Transplant Coordinators Course, organized by the International Transplant Network, supported by the European Society for Organ Transplantation and Transplant Surgery and UEMS in Istanbul, Turkiye;
  • 2019 – Lecturer at the Basic Life Support and Advanced Life Support at the Medical Simulation Centre;
  • 2022 – Lecturer at the Symposium on topic: “Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Low Back Pain, organized by the Macedonian Spinal Association.




Certificate for eminent role as a hospital coordinator during the first heart transplantation in Macedonia, awarded by the Government of Macedonia and the Cabinet of the Prime Minister of Macedonia.