
Prof. Igor Kaftandziev, MD, PHD 

Specialist in Surgery, Subspecialist in Traumatology

Doctor of Medical Sciences
Faculty of Medicine,
“Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, Macedonia

Master in Medical Sciences
Faculty of Medicine, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, Macedonia

Subspecialist in Traumatology
Faculty of Medicine, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, Macedonia

Specialist in General Surgery
Faculty of Medicine, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, Macedonia

Doctor of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, Macedonia

Acibadem Sistina Hospital
Medical Director
Specialist in Surgery, Subspecialist in Traumatology

Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine,
“Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, Macedonia Professor

Faculty of Medicine,
“Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, Macedonia
Vice Dean

Faculty of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia
Visiting Professor of Surgery

Faculty of Medicine,
“Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, Macedonia Vice Dean

Department of Surgery,
“Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, Macedonia Professor

Faculty of Medicine,
“Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, Macedonia Associate Professor

Faculty of Medicine, “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Skopje, Macedonia.
Re-elected in October 2003 Assistant

University Clinic of Traumatology, “Mother Teresa” Clinical Center Employee

• AO Trauma
– National representative and coordinator for AO Trauma Macedonia in AO Trauma Europe
• MADOT (The Macedonian Association of Orthopedists and Traumatologists)
– 2012-2015 President
– 2009-2012 Vice President and Coordinator of the Trauma Forum
– 2007-2009 General Secretary
• EFFORT (European Federation of National Associations of Orthopaedics and Traumatology)
– 2009-2017 National delegate
– Member of the Education Council
• ESSKA (2012-2015)
– National representative
• SEG (Spine Expert Group)
– National representative in the Group
• Association of Surgeons of Macedonia, treasurer (1999-2002)
• AO Spine
• Honorary member of the Serbian Trauma Association (STA)
• Honorary member of the Serbian Orthopedic and Trauma Association (SOTA)
• Honorary member of the Croatian Trauma Society (CTS)
• Member of AAOS (American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons)

• English
• Croatian
• Serbian

– Igor Kaftandziev, Bore Bakota, Simon Trpeski, Oliver Arsovski, Marko Spasov, Andrej Cretnik. The effect of the ankle syndesmosis reduction quality on the short-term functional outcome following ankle fractures. Injury 52 (2021) s70-s74. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.injury.2021.04.047
– Kaftandziev I, Arsovski O, Krstevski S, Spasov M. Posterior malleolus fractures – review of the current knowledge and single center experience. Macedonian Journal of Anestesia. Vol. V No.1, 2021
– Spasov Marko, Damcevska J, Mirceska Arsovska E, Krstevski S, Kaftandziev I. Radial head resection – is it still valuable surgical solution? Journal of Morphological Sciences 2020; 3(1):85-90 UDC: 616.717-001.5-089.87
– Marko Spasov, Oliver Arsovski, Stefan Krstevski, Igor Kaftandziev. Level of distal tibio-fibular syndesmosis transfixation – effect on the functional outcome. Physioacta 2019; 13(1):1-8.
– Marko Spasov, Oliver Arsovski, Ljupco Nikolov, Igor Merdzanoski, Igor Kaftandziev. Early wound infections following removal of the positioning screw from the distal tibio-fibular syndesmosis. Macedonian Medical Review 2018; 72(2): 107-109
– Ilir Hasani, Igor Kaftandziev, Slavco Stojmenski, Hristijan Kostov, Ljupco Nikolov, Oliver Arsovski,, Saliamet Emini. Two Stage minimally invasive Method with locking Plate Application on Distal Tibia Fractures – Our Experience. Open Access Macedonia journal of medical Sciences 2017 Aug 15; 5(5):630-634.
– Ilir Hasani, S. Stojmensi, I. Kaftandziev, O. Arsovski. H. Kostov, V. Velkovski. S. Emini. A. Saveski, R. Dalipi. A minimally invasive approach to treating distal tibia fractures – case study. Македонски ортопедско трауматолошки гласник бр.9, Јуни 2017.
– Gavrilovski A, Dimovska-Gavrilovska A, Nikolov Lj, Kostov H, Stojmenski S, Kaftandziev I, Poposka A. Treatment of tibial plateau fractures – comparative analysis of two operative techniques Acta morphol. 2016; Vol. 13(2): 17-25.
– Simon Trpeski, I. Kaftandziev, O.Arsovski, Lj. Nikolov, I. Hasani, I. Donevski, M. Mihajlova. Treatment of displaced calcaneal fractures. Македонски ортопедско-трауматолошки гласник – бр.8, декември 2016.
– Gavrilovski A, Dimovska-Gavrilovska A, Nikolov Lj, Kaftandziev I, Poposka A. Minimally invasive treatment using contralateral elevation of tibial plateau fractures – results and protocol of treatment. Acta morphol. 2015: Vol. 12(2): 80-83
– Igor Kaftandziev, Marko Spasov, Simon Trpeski, Beti Zafirova-Ivanovska. Fate of the syndesmotic screw – Search for a prudent solution. Injury (2015),http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.injury.2015.10.062
– Kaftandziev I, Trpeski S, Arsovski O, Spasov M. Fracture fixation in multiple trauma – field of conflicting concepts: a review. Physioacta Vol.9-No.3.2015 UDC: 616.71-001.5.
– Kaftandziev I, Trpeski S, Filipce V, Arsovski O, Hasani I, Nikolov L, Kaev A. Operative treatment of degenerative lumbar spine spondylolisthesis. Contributions 2015; 36(1):129-35.
– Trpeski S, Pop-Jordanova N, Kaftandziev I. Supplementation with Vitamin D3 influence Better Outcome in Surgically Treated Hip Fractures. Global Journal for Research Analysis Volume 4, issue 8. August 2015. ISSN No.2277-81-60.
– Игор Кафтанџиев, Марко Спасов, Бисера Пендовска. Преглед на современиот третман на конквасации на екстремитети. Мак Мед преглед 2015; 69(1):12-19.
– Igor Kaftandziev, Simon Trpeski, Oliver Arsovski, Marko Spasov. Percutaneous Screw Fixation of distal Tibia Fractures – Functional Results in Sixteen Patients. Maced J Med. Sci. 2014 Jun 15; 7(2):229-233.
– Hasani I, Kaftandziev I, Trpeski S, Nikolov Lj, Saveski A, Velkovski G. The Ilioinguinal Approach versus the Anterior Intrapelvic Approach to the Acetabulum: A Review. Maced J Med Sci. 2013 Dec 15; 6(4):478-485.
– Konstantin Mitev, Igor Kaftandziev. Clinical outcomes after microfracture treatment of full-thickness articular cartilage lesions of the knee. Acta Chirurgica Yugoslavica UDK616.72-001.6-089.21. Dec 2013.
– Mitev Konstantin, Zafirovski G, Mladenovski S, Kaftandziev I. Evaluation of clinical results after treatment of knee articular cartiladge with arthroscopic microfracture technique. Acta morphol.2013; Vol. 10(2):52-56.
– Simon Trpeski, Igor Kaftandziev, Aleko Kjaev. The effects of time-to-surgery on mortality in elderly patients following hip fractures. Contributions, Section of medical sciences, XXXIV 2, 2013.
– Трпески С, Кафтанџиев И, Велковски Ѓ, Орана И, Tемелковски З, Ќаев А. Рани компликации по оперативниот третман на фрактури на проксимален фемур. Medicus 2013, Vol.18 (2):92-95.
– Трпески С, Кафтанџиев И, Ќаев А. Анализа на влијанието на дополнителни коморбидитети на постоперативниот морталитет кај геријатриски пациенти со фрактура на колк. Physioacta 2013 Vol. 7(1): 57-63.
– Kaftandziev I. Limited reamed intramedullary interlocking fixation of grade I and II open tibial shaft fractures. Acta morphologica 2012; Vol 9(2).
– Kaftandzieva A, Cekovska Z, Kaftandziev I, Petrovska M, Panovski N. Bacteriology of wound-clinical utility of gram stain microscopy and the correlation with culture. Maced J Med Sci 2012; 5(1):72-77.
– Mitev K, Jontchev AD, Kaftandziev I, Trpeski S, Trpkovska B. Autologous chondrocyte implantation-artrocel-3D in knee cartilage repair. Kos J Surg 2012; 6:1.
– Кафтанџиев И, Трпески С, Пејкова С, Пендовска Б. Евалуација на функционални и радиолошки резултати по конзервативен третман на скршеници на дисталниот крај на радиусот. Acta morphol 2011: Vol. 8(1):76-85.
– Трпески С, Кафтанџиев И, Арсовски О, Каев А. Резултати од 364 оперативно третирани геријатриски пациенти со трохантерни скршеници на натколеницата. Medicus 2011, Vol. XV(1):297-302.
– Трпески С, Кафтанџиев И, Неделковска М, Каев А, Темелковска-Стефановска М. Првични резултати во третманот на суптрохантерни и пертрохантерни скршеници. Physioacta 2011; 5(1):119-127

• Acknowledgments
– Acknowledgment, by Medical Simulation Center of the Republic of North Macedonia, for contribution to the preparation and implementation of trainings related to practical skills gaining, Skopje, December 2019
– Acknowledgment, by “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University in Skopje, Faculty of Medicine – Skopje, for contribution to the development and operation of the Faculty of Medicine, Skopje, March 2017
– Acknowledgment, by Macedonian Medical Association, for active participation in realizing the goals and tasks of the Macedonian Medical Association, Skopje, April 2000
– Diploma, by Macedonian Medical Association, for contribution and involvement in the Macedonian Medical Association operation, Skopje, April 2001