
Gynecology and Obstetrics

After 20 successful years the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics is now a highly respected reproductive healthcare brand both in the country and the region. The team consist of more than 20 leading gynecologists in various subspecialties taking care of every detail in women’s healthcare. The Department is a pioneer in performing numerous gynecological interventions as well as investing in the most advanced diagnostic and treatment technology.

Outpatient Gynecology and Obstetrics

The Department of Outpatient Gynecology and Obstetrics provides healthcare for all gynecological problems – ranging from reproductive disorders to the postmenopausal period  in women. The experienced team of gynecologists and obstetricians is constantly working on routine procedures and on complex gynecological problems as well. They include:

  • Pap tests evaluation
  • Colposcopy
  • Vulval disorders
  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Vaginal infections
  • Menopause
  • Hormone replacement therapy
  • Reproductive screening
  • Pelvic pain
  • Fertility evaluation
  • Pregnancy monitoring
  • Regular check-up examinations
  • Contraception methods

Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery

The department is particularly concerned with pelvic dysfunction in women. It entails the anatomical organs between the pubic bone and the sacrum. Our primary focus is the treatment of bladder dysfunction including urinary stress incontinence as well as the treatment of genital disorders and genital prolapse.

Gynecological-surgical interventions

Our experienced team of gynecology surgery specialists provides patients with consultation on treatment options (surgical and nonsurgical). Therewith, every woman is enabled to make the right decision regarding her further treatment. During evaluation gynecologists use ultrasound imaging to obtain more precise information,  enabling further treatment decisions. If surgery is necessary we present all treatment procedures, offering a choice for the safest, most effective and painless treatment.

Minimally invasive procedures include:


  • Diagnosis with and without dilatation and curettage
  • Removal of polyps and fibroids
  • Hysteroscopic sterilization
  • Abnormal uterine bleeding


  • Diagnostics
  • Removal of fallopian tubes and ovaries, ovarian cysts (advanced surgery – removal of fibroids, endometriosis and supracervical and total hysterectomy)
  • Pelvic pain

Treatment of specific conditions

By employing ta multidisciplinary approach our team provides diagnostics and treatment of infertility, gynecological cancer, pelvic disorders, rectal prolapse, sexual dysfunction, complex urinary tract problems, disorders during the menopause, defecating incontinence etc. We are completely committed to providing superior healthcare to women of all ages.

Oncology gynecology

The gynecologists’ team provides a timely diagnosis of all malignant gynecological diseases. In cooperation with the Department of Radiotherapy and Oncology, patients receive individual treatment.

Laser treatment

The most modern Er: YAG Laser obtains excellent results in the treatment of many gynecological problems in a rapid, painless manner without complications. The laser operation is based on non-ablative photothermal stimulation of creating new collagen and its remodeling in the region of the vaginal wall, the entrance of the vagina and the surrounding tissue at the entrance of the urethra (vestibulum).

Vaginal rejuvenation

This revolutionary laser provides excellent results in patients with atrophy of the vagina (vaginal and vulval dryness). Treatment results in creation of a new collagen and enhanced vascularization of the vaginal wall. Symptoms of dryness, tingling and pain disappear after the treatment.

Treatment of stress-incontinence

Laser treatment is a substitute for surgical treatment of mild to medium degree of stress-incontinence. The treatment creates and remodels a new collagen, resulting with normalization of the urinary retention in the bladder.

Treatment of vaginal relaxation syndrome

Laser treatment successfully resolves the problem of pelvic floor and vaginal canal relaxation. After the treatment, the vaginal canal is tightened and thickened. Laser system is also used for the treatment of: CIN changes, genital warts, benign vulvar changes, vulvar corrective interventions (plastics), cystocellae (prolapsed bladder).

Pregnancy monitoring and screening

The gynecological team of “Acibadem Sistina” consists of leading experts responsible for monitoring normal and high-risk pregnancies. In addition to regular examinations, our team also performs the compulsory screenings in pregnancy.

High-risk pregnancy

The team of leading gynecologists and obstetricians employing the latest technology at “Acibadem Sistina” performs contemporary medical services to women in high-risk pregnancies, with an aim of providing the best care for both the mother and the fetus. Using a comprehensive assessment and treatment program with a leading team of specialists and the most advanced technology, we promote mothers’ and babies’ health.


“Acibadem Sistina” is the largest private maternity hospital in the country and the region, with more than 1,000 newborns annually. It has 2 delivery rooms and 2 delivery beds with the most advanced equipment at its disposal. All types of painless delivery are available on request by the mother. During the delivery and on request by the mother, the partner may also be present.