
Bunjaku, Former Arsenal Football Player Successfully Operated at Acibadem Sistina

AcibademSistina Alban Bunjaku
AcibademSistina Alban Bunjaku

A popular football player from Kosovo, literally a “kid” of the British club Arsenal, is recovering after knee surgery, performed by Dr. Borislav Iliev at Acibadem Sistina Hospital. Now the Kosovo national team player Alban Bunjaku is in great shape. Recommendation for solving his leg problem was given by doctors of Derby County, the English team he is playing for. Doctors at Kosovo also made such a recommendation, and following the intervention Bunjaku will return to sports activities.

Bunjaku came to Acibadem Sistina with anterior cruciate ligament rupture, and the medical team from England suggested performing such an intervention. Colleagues from Kosovo suggested rehabilitation of the injury at Acibadem Sistina Hospital in Skopje.

“I am glad that the good news spreads fast. It is important to offer patients a good service. Of course, the recommendation is also important while the athletes choose only experienced clinics and doctors. I have performed over 2.000 such interventions. I hope there will be no complications. Period of recovery and regular follow-ups at our hospital follow. In six months he will be back to sports activities”, says Dr. Iliev.

Bunjaku is a national team player of Kosovo who started the career at Arsenal in 2002 where he has played for about ten years and learned its school techniques. Then he has played for Sevilla for four years and now he is a player of Derby County. Although promising, Bunjaku faced a daunting challenge and torn ligaments that otherwise give stability to the knee. Dr. Iliev considers that without the intervention, his career would be over.

“Successful intervention implies taking material from the same patient. It means to set his tendons at anatomical site where the ligament is normally positioned and to make a firm fixation”, adds Dr. Iliev.