
At “Acibadem Sistina” dreams come true


If you dream is to become a parent, if  you plan to have a baby but  events do not enfold exactly as you envisioned, there is a hospital in Skopje – “Acibadem Sistina” and a team of Slobodan Lazarevski, MD, who will listen to you, understand you and help your dream come true.

On 30 January 2017 at 8:47 and 8:48, our dream came true at “Acibadem Sistina” when we heard our angels Tijana and Teodor crying for the first time. It was a cold winter morning in Skopje, in the longest month of the year, the day when KornelijaTrajkova, MD, and Boban Sardzhovski, MD, brought our greatest joy and pride to the world, our twins Tijana and Teodor.

High-risk twin pregnancy

During the entire pregnancy, the team of Slobodan Lazarevski, MD took care of Edna and led the process in the most professional and the most responsible way. Edna had a high-risk twin pregnancy that required more attention, regular follow-up and monitoring, especially durint the last two months when the risk is the highest.

There are no words in any language in the world to describe those tense moments during children delivery, when minutes seem as long as a year, as well as the moments when an outstanding chemical reaction in your body happens as you hear the most beautiful news that you have been expecting for so long, that you have been dreaming about.

Ivica Stefanovski, MD, the anesthesiologist, told me the news. He not only psychologically prepared my wife Edna before delivery, but was also her guide through a painless experience of the whole process of caesarean section delivery.

Stefanovski, MD, commendations to your expertise and experience, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

24/7 availability

Edna comes from the island of Cebu in the Philippines and our life together lead us via Dubai to Macedonia, to Skopje and to “Acibadem Sistina”.

During her pregnancy, she was adapting to the Macedonian lifestyle and the local food, at the same time having to cope with the cultural shock which occurs as a result of the tens of thousands of kilometers distance from the Far East, from the tropical climate to the “hot as hell” summer and “cold as ice” winter in Skopje and the Balkans.

We would also like to mention and thank KornelijaTrajkova, MD, who not only led Edna’s pregnancy, but was also her friend and kept a daily contact with her, being available 24/7, even while on vacation. So, what else to say, but that you can only wish for such a doctor and a friend.

Slobodan Lazarevski, MD, you deserve an Oscar

Much has been said and written about Slobodan Lazarevski, MD. The results speak about his expertise, dedication and human concern, so do many rewards and the satisfied, smiling parents and future parents. He was the first doctor who came to our room after the delivery of our double happiness and joy and  if there is an Academy Award for the best doctor it should go in the hands of Slobodan Lazarevski, MD.

Our story continues with Anthony Hristovski, MD

This is not the end of our “Acibadem Sistina” story, it only continues with the development and the growth of our twins Tijana and Teodor. The story continues with the care of Anthony Hristovski, MD, who, on the occasion of their first examination, said something that will remain in our memory forever. Babies usually cry, but as we entered “Acibadem Sistina’s” office of Hristovski, MD, Tijana and Teodor stopped crying. We asked the doctor what the matter was. Hristovski, MD replied that Tijana and Teodor knew they are at home, that they could feel they were born here and so they behave responsibly, without crying.

We would like to thank the entire team of Acibadem Sistina Hospital and wish them many happy and joyful moments for many future parents, because dreams come true at the Acibadem Sistina Hospital.

With respect,

Panche and Edna Unevski