
“Acibadem Sistina” supports and affirms the mountaineering


The Federation of Mountain Sports of Macedonia this year again joined the marking of December 9th, the World Mountain Day. The purpose of this traditional event is to increase the significance of the mountain, but also to stir the love of future generations towards the mountain beauties and graces.

“Acibadem Sistina” will provide free cardiac examinations in 2019 to Buraneddin Sally, one of the most prominent mountaineers, in order to prevent accidents occurring during mountaineering. 67-year-old Burannedin, a member of “Bistra”, the Mountaineering Sports Society has climbed Solunska Glava peak 1000 times so far, a feat that has entered the Guinness Book of Records.

As a leader in prevention and treatment of sports injuries, “Acibadem Sistina” Hospital continuously supports the sports clubs, including mountaineering activities.