
“Acibadem Sistina” part of the “Go Pink” 2014 campaign


“Acibadem Sistina” part of the “Go Pink” 2014 campaign

More than 1,500 participants are actively involved in the symbolic walk “Go Pink 2014 – Walk Against Breast Cancer” and sent a message on the importance of early detection of breast cancer. The walk held for sixth consecutive years was organized by the NGO “Borka” in cooperation with the U.S. Embassy in Macedonia and the Clinical Hospital “Acibadem Sistina.” The 3-km walk started from the City Park in Skopje. Many citizens from across the country attended the event, including the wife of the President of the Republic of Macedonia – Maja Ivanovska, the U.S. Ambassador to Macedonia Paul Wohlers and his wife Mary Jo Wohlers, the Internal Affairs Minister-Gordana Jankulovska and the Medical Director at the Clinical Hospital “Acibadem Sistina”, Prof. D-r Ljupcho Lekovski.