



A new pediatric cardiac surgery team was presented at the Acibadem Sistina Hospital. It is an experienced team of 15 professors, doctors and nurses from Acibadem Turkey. The team includes Dr. Vladimir Chadikovski, who is the only licensed pediatric cardiac surgeon in the country, as well as several other cardiac surgeons, cardiologists, internists, anesthesiologists, perfusionists and pediatricians.

The aim is to reproduce the successful experience of the Acibadem hospitals in Istanbul with pediatric cardiac surgery. These centers have an experience of performing more than 15,000 operations. At the presentation, Dr. Chadikovski said that the interventions would start soon.

“It is my pleasure to be on the team with esteemed pediatric cardiac surgeons from Acibadem Istanbul. I am happy to be part of such a great corporation. I have had the opportunity to go to Turkey and I am truly fascinated by the complexity of the operations performed there and the number of interventions they perform. It is a great pleasure for me that we have the opportunity to establish an accredited reference center in Macedonia as well. Peer support will also mean promoting their successful model, with only one purpose, helping the children with heart defects”, says Dr. Chadikovski.

The advantage is that the team of doctors coming from Turkey will be available every week in the country. The team of cardiac surgeons from Turkey also includes Prof. Dr. Yusuf Kenan Yalcinbas and Prof. Dr. Ersin Erek.

“A few weeks ago we met with Dr. Chadikovski in Istanbul. He visited us and presented us with the plans on developing pediatric cardiac surgery and opening a cardiac surgery department at the Acibadem Sistina Hospital. Dr. Chadikovski has extensive experience with pediatric cardiac surgery and has performed over 400 interventions in this field. In Istanbul there are two pediatric cardiac surgery centers, “Acibadem Atakent” and “Acibadem Bakirkoy”, where we have operated over 15,000 patients together with Professor Ersin. The idea is to join forces, to connect Acibadem centers in Turkey with Acibadem Sistina in Skopje so the entire team of doctors along with the chief perfusionist Murat Boz are available”, said Dr. Yusuf Kenan Yalcinbas.

Regular attendance of doctors from Istanbul ensures continuity and complete fulfillment of needs.

“It is a great pleasure for us to be here at the Acibadem Sistina Hospital and share our experience with our Macedonian colleagues. We will make every effort and do our best for the children in our sister country. We will help our colleagues at the Acibadem Sistina Hospital as much as we can”, said Prof. Dr. Ersin Erek.

The team will be in charge of the cardiology interventions in children, and Acibadem Sistina aims to become a reference center for the treatment of congenital heart diseases in children in the coming period not only in Macedonia but in the entire Balkans.