
Acibadem Sistina Hospital established new standards in healthcare


Interview with Prof. Dr. Ljupco Lekovski, Medical Director

1. Acibadem Sistina Hospital marks 7 years since its opening. How important is this private hospital for patients in terms of providing healthcare service?

The vision of Acibadem Sistina Hospital was clearly defined from the first days of its establishment, which is providing top medical care by world-recognized standards. We focus on the patient and everything that we do, each new process, new procedures, new investment in new equipment and staff is to provide better and quality service for patients.

Over the past 7 years, Acibadem Sistina Hospital proved that every healthcare institution can operate following the world health centers and apply world recognized standards in patient treatment. We have introduced a multidisciplinary approach in patient treatment, which provided excellent results not only regarding diagnosis, but also in further planning of treatment.

During the past years, Acibadem Sistina Hospital has increased its capacity and introduced new procedures, including the first private PET/CT Center in the region…

Our goal is to be pioneers in the region in terms of technology, interventions and medical team. We have opened the first private PET/CT Center in the region and we have created the first private specialized center for treatment of patients with malignant diseases. Furthermore, we have invested in the powerful Trilogy accelerator. Since last year, we are the only hospital in the region that uses the 3 Tesla MRI device, that has brought a new era in diagnosis. Also, with the help of Green Laser Light, we have introduced laser treatment for an enlarged prostate. We are also pioneers in the introduction of new IVF procedures, minimally invasive surgical interventions that shorten patient’s treatment duration and recovery time.

2. Last year the hospital was awarded the prestigious JCI accreditation. Has this contributed to increasing the quality of healthcare?

In short, obtaining this accreditation means provision of highly professional healthcare services, as well as a guarantee of safety and quality in each hospital process. The hospital operation according to these standards means professionalism, prognosis and avoidance of any potential health risks for the patient, updating the patient and family about the treatment process, eliminating medical errors, followed by precisely set working rules for each employee.

With the accreditation, Acibadem Sistina Hospital has established a new standard in the healthcare system in Macedonia. Obtaining this accreditation was a big challenge for us. At the moment, each of us is working in meeting the standards and their maintenance.

The accreditation was a confirmation of the success and the implementation of all standards that the hospital worked for during the past 3 years.

3. During last year you have invested in opening a polyclinic

Yes, Acibadem Sistina Hospital opened its first polyclinic in Bitola. The hospital disposes of medical services in the area of Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Internal Medicine and Cardiology, Daily Hospital for Adults and Pediatric Daily Hospital. With this investment, the leading medical care has become more accessible for patients in Bitola and in the region. In addition to its regular doctors, doctors from Acibadem Sistina Hospital perform examinations and consultations in Bitola, so that patients don’t need to travel to Skopje.

4. 450,000 patients have been registered in 7 years. What do you think about this?

We are proud that patients have recognized our vision and entrusted their health and that of their families. Over the past 7 years, 450,000 patients were part of our system. The number of patients is increasing day by day, not only from Macedonia but from the whole region as well. Acibadem Sistina Hospital is prepared to meet the specific requirements of different groups of patients. Despite treating diseases, we have developed a system that offers preventive medicine and we are happy that patients’ awareness for regular preventive examinations for timely detection of diseases and maintaining a healthy lifestyle has increased.