
48 units of blood donated at Acibadem Sistina in times of coronavirus


Acibadem Sistina Hospital organized another successful blood donation action in cooperation with the municipal organization of Red Cross – Karposh and the Institute of Transfusion Medicine.

48 units of blood were donated, and all measures and security protocols for complete protection against coronavirus were followed. Blood donors were divided into groups in order to maintain physical distance and they wore personal protective equipment, a protective mask.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Acibadem Sistina Hospital, Mr. Jordan Kamchev, also took part in the action.

The first blood donation at the hospital was organized in 2010, and the number of employees donating blood has been increasing year by year. This is the second blood donation event organized this year. At the beginning of February, the most massive action so far, in which nearly 200 employees participated, took place.

Due to the increased need for blood during this crisis, another blood donation campaign is announced to be conducted in May at Acibadem Sistina.