
Practices implemented by Acibadem Sistina will be shared as a great example at other hospitals around the world


Joint Commission International is the most prestigious hospital accreditation in the world complying with strict standards focused on areas that directly affect patient care and treatment. JCI accreditation program covers the entire process from the moment a patient enters the hospital, following his/her treatment to leaving the hospital. Joint Commission International is a non-profit, non-governmental agency based in Chicago, Illinois (USA) established in 1994. JCI-accredited hospital indicates a hospital that has implemented international patient safety goals in its work. Acibadem Sistina Hospital obtained its first accreditation in April 2016. According to JCI procedures, obtaining the Gold Seal does not mean it has a lasting and eternal value, but instead it should be renewed every 2 years. Prof. Dr. Ljupcho Lekovski, Medical Director of Acibadem Sistina Hospital, explains that preparations for the process of re-accreditation took more than two years, as it was necessary to provide complete documentation and complete implementation of patient safety and security procedures as well as safe surgery procedures.

“It is a hard and long process that cannot be accomplished in a short time. The first process of accreditation was based on the issue whether all criteria and standards for safe practicing of the procedures are met, whether there is the necessary documentation and whether all those procedures are applied, but also if the facility met the standards. Re-accreditation implies a much more complex process where accreditors believe that basic issues are already working and do not have to be controlled; this time the control was focused on much more detailed processes and subtle segments that ultimately guarantee that you are working with high quality”- explains Prof. Lekovski.

The process of re-accreditation takes a long time since all standards and assessable elements required in the previous 3-year period should remain at the same level, but however more than 1,000 new standards covering medical, non-medical staff, management and overall surroundings, should be implemented as well.

“During this period, new 1,000 standards were implemented, but also all processes implemented so far were maintained. Field accreditors reached every segment of the hospital during the re-accreditation. Starting from the medical, then non-medical staff, management and even the patients. They had interviews with patients trying to confirm the standards’ effectiveness. Once again we proved to be the best hospital in the region and that we could stand side by side to all hospitals globally. I am proud to say that the accreditors have pointed out some of the practices used at our hospital will be shared as an excellent and positive example in other hospitals around the world”, adds Dr. Lekovski.

The Gold Seal is part of the vision and mission of Acibadem Sistina Hospital, and this extremely important success actually means a success for all patients and a success for the entire healthcare system in the country. JCI accreditation has demonstrated that under the right management, well-established system based on true values, professional behavior, hard work, education and dedication, world-wide standards can be achieved and worked by. Patients treated at this hospital can be assured that the hospital:

  • Provides the highest quality healthcare
  • Is ready to improve the quality of healthcare
  • Provides care on the basis of proven leading practice
  • Offers culture and safety for its patients, visitors and staff
  • Is managed in constant compliance with the correct standards