Assisted hatching – Prior to implanting the embryo into the uterus, it must be first released from the zona pellucida – a thin layer surrounding the embryo. The process of releasing the embryo from the zona pellucida is called “hatching”. The procedudre can be facilitated by making a thin opening in the zona pellucida right before the embryo-transfer. This intervention is performed by the most sophisticated method of laser assisted hatching.
Assisted reproductive techniques with donor sperm are suggested in couples who are diagnosed with absolute male infertility (azoospermia), when there is a risk of genetic diseases to occur in the offspring, as well as in women without a partner. We use donor material from Europe’s most renowned sperm bank, with which we have established the highest level of cooperation.
Assisted reproductive techniques with donor eggs are recommended in couples in which the woman faces problems of various types, such as: hormonal disorders (hormonal imbalance), premature menopause, endometriosis, immunological factors, genetic or chromosomal anomalies, poor egg quality, as well as in women who have previously undergone chemotherapy. Egg donation is anonymous, both to the donor and the recipient.
Assisted reproduction techniques with donated embryos are suggested in couples where both the man and the woman have gametes (eggs and sperm) of very poor quality, which cannot be fertilized for various reasons. These embryos are created from donated sperm and donated eggs. The techniques are proposed for couples where both partners face infertility.
For female patients without a partner who want to start a family, one option is a sperm donor, while the other is an embryo donation, especially when the egg quality is poor, or when the patient has no eggs. This is especially the case in female patients who are older than 45 years. The only condition is that the patient has a receptive uterus. There is no upper age limit for female patients. With this method the success rate is over 50%.
ICSI is an effective method of egg cells insemination when suboptimal semen parameters occur or when other fertilization methods had not achieved results. By applying the ICSI method even the most severe cases of male infertility – such as the very low sperm count or the absence of spermatozoids in the ejaculate – can be successfully treated. In such cases, particular procedures are performed to obtain the spermatozoids from the testicles or from the epididymus.
PICSI – Good quality spermatozoids selection is the key to a successful procedure. The PICSI procedure enables the selection of mature spermatozoids for egg cells insemination. Only spermatozoids capable of binding to the hyaluronan are selected, thus increasing the chance of successful egg insemination while at the same time reducing the chance of spontaneous abortions.
Our team of gynecologists, embryologists and andrologists fulfills the dream of couples facing infertility on a daily basis and provides the following services:
- Complete clinical assessment of couples’ infertility
- Treatment of gynecological dysfunctions in young women and women in their menopause
- Hirsutism and syndrome of hyperandrogenism
- Ovulation induction
- Diagnostic laparoscopy
- Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation for assisted reproduction
- Intrauterine insemination
- Hysterosalpingography
- Laparoscopy (endometrial surgery, reconstructive pelvic surgery, myomectomy, salpingectomy, ovarian cyst surgery)
- Hysteroscopy (polypectomy, septum resection, myomectomy, separation in the case of intrauterine junction)
Laboratory services
- Spermogram (ejaculate analysiAnalysis of sperm morphology
- Freezing of ejaculated and testicular sperm
- In vitro fertilization
- Intracytoplasmic sperm injection ICSI
- Micromanipulation methods
- Testicular sperm extraction TESE
- Sperm selection PISCI
- In vitro maturation
- Increasing implantation chances with assisted hatching
- Blastocyst transfer
- Freezing of embryos and ova
- Transfer of thawed embryos FET
Our Center of Male Infertility specialists offer a unique team approach in the diagnostics and treatment of infertility in men. As a leading center we follow the newest trends in order to help couples have an offspring. We provide the right team and equipment for diagnosing male infertility as well as all types of medical and surgical treatment.
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