
Prof. Viktorija Chaloska Ivanova, MD, PhD

Gastroenterohepatology Specialist


TTR-FAP Expert Meeting with Interactive Sessions

ATTR Amyloidosis Academy, Bucharest, Romania




IASGO Postgraduate Course – Liver Transplantation

IASGO, Istanbul




Three-Month Training with a Scholarship from AISF, Supported by the Embassy of Italy in Skopje Center for Liver

Transplantation, under the mentorship of Prof.Mario Strazzabosco, MD, PhD – Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo, Italy


1997, 1999, 2001

Three-Month Training with a Scholarship by the Government of France

Service D’Hepatologie, Laboratoire de Biologie Moleculaire Pasteur, under the mentorship of Prof.Christian Brechot, MD, PhD – Faculte De Medecine Necker – Enfants Malades, Paris, France




2nd Postgraduate Course on Hepatology

Hepatobiliary School – Ljubljana, Slovenia



PhD Dissertation on topic: “Lymphocyte Subpopulations, Deposits of Immunoglobulin A and Apolipoprotein A in the Pathogenesis of Alcoholic Liver Disease”

Faculty of Medicine, UKIM, Skopje, Macedonia




Subspecialisation in Gastroenterohepatology

Faculty of Medicine, UKIM, Skopje, Macedonia



Specialization in Internal Medicine Faculty of Medicine, UKIM, Skopje, Macedonia



Undergraduate Studies in General Medicine

Faculty of Medicine, UKIM, Skopje, Macedonia


2023 – present

Acibadem Sistina Hospital

Department of Gastroenterohepatology


1989 – 2021

University Clinic of Gastroenterology

Head of Department



Faculty of Medicine, UKIM, Skopje

Full-Time Professor


1984 – 1989

Internal Medicine Ward Military Hospital Skopje Resident of Internal Medicine


1980 – 1984

Health Center Skopje

General Medicine Practitioner


  • French
  • English
  • Italian
  1. Chaloska-Ivanova V, Genadieva M. Hepatitis B in Special Groups of Patients. MMP 2012; 66(3):138-143;
  2. Chaloska-Ivanova V, Todorovska B. Hepatorenal Syndrome – Diagnosis and Therapeutic Challenge. Poppy Med Review, 2013; 67(1): 1-5;
  3. Gucev ZS, Pop-Jordanova N, Chaloska V, Tasic V, Slavevska N,Laban N, Noli MC, Lepori MB, Loudianos G. Acute Gallbladder Hydrops and Arthritis: Unusual Initial Manifestations of Wilson’s Disease (WD), Contributions, Sec., Biol. Med. Sci., XXXII/2 (2011), 307–315;
  4. Chaloska Ivanova Viktorija, Koloska Valentina, Genadieva Dimitrova Magdalena, Todorovska Beti, Curakova Elena; Clinical Relevance of Pre-core Mutation of Hepatitis B Virus in Chronic Liver Disease. Sanamed 2014; 9(2): 137–142;
  5. Kiprijanovska S, Sukarova-Stefanovska E, Noveski P, Chaloska V, Polenakovic M, Plaseska-Karanfilska D. Study of the Hepatitis C Virus in the Republic of Macedonia. BJMG 2012; Vol. 15 (Supplement): 67-69;
  6. Dafina Janevska, Viktorija Chaloska-Ivanova, Vlado Janevski. Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Risk Factors, Diagnosis and Treatment. MJMS, 2015: Vol.3 (4) Open Access:1-5;
  7. E. Curakova Ristovska, M. Genadieva-Dimitrova, V. Chaloska-Ivanova, J. Misevski. Von-Willebrand Factor as a Predictor of Three-Month Mortality in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis Compared to MELD Score. Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica, Vol. LXXXII, October-December 2019: 487-493
  8. P. Dzekova-Vidimliski, I. Nikolov, N. Matevska-Geshkovska, Y. Boyanova, N. Nikolova, G. Romanciuc, D. Dumitrascu, V. Chaloska-Ivanova, N. Joksimovic, K. Antonov, L. Mateva, L. Rostaing, A. Dimovski, A. Sikole. Genetic Predictors of the Response to the Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus Infection. Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2015;15(4):55-59;
  9. Ahmeti I, V. Chaloska, N. Manevska, P. Dzekova-Vidimliski, V. Avramoski and Pop GjorcevaThyrotoxicosis Associated with Cholestatic Jaundice Treated with Therapeutic Plasma Exchange – Case Report. Thyroid Disorders Ther an Open Access Journal, 2017: ISSN:2167-7948Volume 6, Issue 1, 100021: 1-4;
  10. Curakova, M. Genadieva-Dimitrova, J. Misevski, V. Chaloska-Ivanova,V. Andreevski, B. Todorovska, U. Isahi, M. Trajkovska, P. Misevska,N. Joksimovic, S. Genadieva-Stavric, S. Antovic, N. Jankulovski. Case Report: NonHodgkin’s Lymphoma with Peritoneal Localization. Case Reports in Gastrointestinal Medicine, Hindawi Publishing Corporation Volume 2014, Article ID 723473, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/723473;
  11. Sanja Kiprijanovska, Emilija Sukarova Stefanovska, Predrag Noveski, Viktorija Chaloska Ivanova and Dijana Plaseska-Karanfilska. Influence of OASL Gene Polymorphisms on Host Response to Interferon Therapy in Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Patients. The EuroBiotech Journal. Volume 1 Issue 2 | 2017, Open Access, 1-9;
  12. Chaloska Ivanova V, Todorovska B, Genadieva Dimitrova M, Joksimovic N, Karagjozov A, Antovic S, Mishevski J, Andreevski V, Dereban Gj, Isahi U, Volkanovska A, Janevska D, Miloshevski M, Stardelova K, Popova R, Avramovski V, Licoska F, Curakova E, Karadjova A, Mishevska P. Complications Following Liver Transplantation – Single Centre Experience. X-th Macedonian Congress of Gastroenterology and Hepatology with International Participation, September 2016; Book of lectures: 21-27;
  13. Gregor Krstevski, Viktorija Chaloska Ivanova, Vladimir Andreevski, Vladimir Serafimovski. RECURRENT SEVERE HEPATITIS OF AUTOIMMUNE ORIGIN. Sec. of Med. Sci., XLII 1, 2021:85-92;
  14. Valon A. Zejnullahu, Rozalinda Isjanovska, Besnik Bicaj, Vjosa Zejnullahu, Astrit R. Hamza, Viktorija Chaloska Ivanova. The Diagnostic Role of Hyperbilirubinemia in Complicated and Non-complicated Appendicitis. Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Syrgery 2018 2:151-162;
  15. Genadieva-Dimitrova M, Chaloska-Ivanova V, JoksimovicN, Trajkovska M, Todorovska B, Popova R, Miloshevski M, Curakova E, Stardelova K, Andreevski V, Janevska D. Polymorphism Il28b and Response to Therapy in Chronic Hepatitis X-th Macedonian Congress of Gastroenterology and Hepatology with International Participation, September 2016; Book of lectures: 9-13;
  16. Elena Curakova Ristovska, Magdalena Genadieva-Dimitrova, Viktorija Chaloska-Ivanova, Emilija Nikolovska Nenad Joksimovic, Beti Todorovska, Urim Isahi and Ivana Milichevik. The SIRS Score Relevance for Assessment of Systemic Inflammation Compared to C-Reactive Protein in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis. Mak Med Pregled 2019; 73(1):24-30;
  17. Chaloska Ivanova V. Biliary Complications after Liver Transplantation – Single Centre Experience. XVIII National Conference of Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Tirana, March 2017. Book of Abstracts: 12-13;
  18. Dafina Nikolova, Viktorija Chaloska, Magdalena Genadieva Ivanova, Emilija Nikolovska, Ance Volkanovska, Nikola Orovchanec, Slavica Kostadinova Kunovska, Gordana Petrushevska, Vesna Janevska. Immunohistochemical Expression of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Contributions. Sec. of Med. Sci., XXXIX 2–3, 2018. ISSN 1857-9345;
  19. Dafina Nikolova, Viktorija Chaloska Ivanova, Magdalena Genadieva Dimitrova, Rubens Jovanovik, Slavica Kostadinova Kunovska, Nikola Orovcanec, Gordana Petrushevska, Vesna Janevska. Hepatocellular Carcinoma – Clinicopathological Characteristics, Survival, and Expression of Various Histologic Molecular Markers. Pol JPathol 2019; 70 (4): 269-276;
  20. Marija Dimzova, Irena Kondova-Topuzovska, Zvonko Milenkovic, Magdalena Gaseva, Viktorija Chaloska-Ivanova, Vladimir Serafimoski, Nikola Orovcanec. Clinical Significance of Quantitative HBs Antigen in the Prediction of Liver Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B. Sec. of Med. Sci., XXXIX 1, 2018. 53-61;
  21. Nikolova Dafina, Chaloska Ivanova V, Jovanovik R, Janevska V Nikolovska Trpcevska E Volkanovska Nikolovska A. Immunohistochemical Expression of CD44 in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma. JMS 2020; 3(2):22006.6628 UDK: 616.36;
  22. Popova-Jovanovska R, Trajkovska M, Genadieva-Dimitrova M, Joksimovikj N, Andreevski V, Chaloska V, Stardelova K, Mishevska P. Edoscopic Therapy of Complicated Echinococcal Cysts Ruptured in the Biliary Tree. Physioacta 2012;6(1): 79-89;
  23. Todorovska, N. Joksimovic, V. Chaloska Ivanova et al. Factors that Influence the Virological Response in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Treated with Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin. Contributions, Sec. of Med. Sci., XXXVIII 1, 2017;
  24. Vladimir Andreevski, Gorgi Deriban, Urim Isahi, Jane Mishevski, Magdalena Dimitrova, Viktorija Chaloska, Nenad Joksimovic, Rozalinda Popova, Vladimir Serafimovski. Four Year Results of Conservative Treatment of Benign Strictures of the Esophagus with Savary Gilliard Technique of Bouginage: Cross-Sectional Study Representing First Experiences in Republic of Macedonia. Sec. Med. Sci., MASA, XXXIX 1, 2018: 29-35;
  25. Zejnullahu VA, Krasniqi A, Isjanovska R, Bicaj BX, Zejnullahu VA, Hamza AR, et Chaloska- Ivanova V. Leukocyte Count, CRP and Bilirubin Level in Complicated and Non-Complicated Appendicitis: Cross Sectional Study. Austin J Surg 4(3): id1106 (2017) 1-6;
  26. Todorovska, V. Chaloska Ivanova et al Insulin Resistance in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C. Med Pregled 2016; 70(2): 94-99;
  27. Joksimovic N, Chalovska V, Trajkovska M, Popova R, Stardelova K. Management in staging of gastric cancer. Proceedings of the IX-th Macedonian Congress of Gastroenterology with International Participation 2012; 15-17;
  28. Todorovska B, Chaloska I. V, Dimitrova G. M, Popova R, Trajkovska M, Stardelova G. K, Curakova E, Licoska J. F, Joksimovic N. Management of Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C – Our Experience. X-th Macedonian Congress of Gastroenterology and Hepatology with International Participation, September 2016; Book of Lectures: 14-17;
  29. IL28B Genotype is Associated with Cirrhosis or Transition to Cirrhosis in Treatment-Naive Patients with Chronic HCV Genotype 1 Infection: the International Observational Gen-C Study: Mangia et al.Supplementary Information, 2017:1-11;
  30. Janevska , V. Chaloska-Ivanova,  R. Jovanovik,  V. Janevska. EXPRESSION OF E-CADHERIN, Β-CATENIN  AND CYCLIN D1 IN HEPATOCELLULAR CARCINOMA. 12th A.I.S.F. SPECIAL CONFERENCE “HCC Italy 2016” Rome, June 9th-10th, 2016;
  31. Chaloska Ivanova V, Karagjova Djambaz A, Simonovski. B, Adem D, Nikolova D Successful Outcome of Pregnancy in the Setting of Liver Cirrhosis – Two Cases Report: MJA Vol. 4 No 3 | SUPPLEMENT No 1 – CEEA Course: 104-105;
  32. Chaloska-Ivanova V, Genadieva-Dimitrova M, Todorovska B, Joksimovic N, Popova R, Curakova E, Janevska D, Miloshevski M, Isahi U, Mishevski J, Andreevski V, Avramovski V, Ramadani A, Koloska T, Serafimoski V. Metabolic and Thyroid Abnormalities in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C – Single Centre Experience. IX-th Macedonian Gastroenterology and Hepatology Congress with International Participation; 2012, Book of Abstracts: 48;
  33. Chaloska-Ivanova, V. Andreevski, J. Mishevski, M. Genadieva-Dimitrova. Piecemeal Removal of Large Colon Polyp with Malignant Transformation – Endoscopical Challenge. Hepato-Gastroenterology, 18th International Seminar of the International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists, Book of Abstracts, 2012; 105;
  34. Todorovska B, Chaloska I. V, Serafimovski V, Dimitrova G. M, Stardelova G. K, Curakova E, Trajkovska M, Ramadani A, Andreevski V, Isahi U, Joksimovikj N. Model foe End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) in Stratification of Hospitalized Patients with Terminal Liver Disease. IX-th Macedonian Congress of Gastroenterology and Hepatology with International Participarion. Proceedings/Oral Presentations: 2012; 21-23;
  35. Chaloska Ivanova, M. Ivanovski, M. Genadieva Dimitrova, A. Volkanovska. BUDD-CHIARI SYNDROME IN THE SETTING OF INHERITED PROCOAGULANT CONDITION. 2017 Haematology;
  36. Volkanovska, E. Nikolovska, D. Janevska, A. Karadzova, V. Andreevski, M. Milosevski, V. Chaloska Ivanova. Severe Jaundice in the Setting of Thyreotoxicosis and Familial Cholestasis Syndrome. XXVI International Bile Acid Meeting: Bile acids in Health and Disease, Amsterdam 2022. Book of Abstracts:69-70;
  37. Chaloska-Ivanova V. Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C in the Republic of Macedonia – Current Status and Future Perspectives. Inter Academy Medical Panel on Emerging Infectious Diseases. Shanghai,China 2007; Report Vol: 82-92;
  38. Chaloska-Ivanova V. Antiviral Drug Resistance in Chronic Hepatitis B – New Paradigm in the Therapy?. 2nd World Summit of Antivirals, Beijing 2009; Book of lectures: 062;
  39. IAMP Working Group. Combating the Threat of New Emerging infections. Report of an IAMP Working Group Held in Shanghai June 2007; Report August 2007: 1-7;
  40. Chaloska-Ivanova V. Todorovska B. Avramovski V, Genadieva-Dimitrova M, Curakova E, Koloska V. HBV Serological Patterns of Patients with HBV-Related Chronic Liver Disease in the Clinic of Gastroenterology. Balcan Journal of Clinical Laboratory 2009; XXII: 1 (Supplem): 92-93;
  41. Chaloska-Ivanova, B. Todorovska, M. Trajkovska, M. Genadieva-Dimitrova, V. Avramovski, E. Curakova, M. Neshkovski, V.Serafimoski. Our Experience in the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B and C with Interferon Therapy. Gastroenterology Congresswith International Participation – 2008. Books of lectures: 26-27;
  42. Chaloska-Ivanova, V. Avramovski, B. Todorovska, V. Percan. HCV-Induced Steatosis Compared to Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver. Gastroenterology Congresswith International Participation – 2008. Books of lectures: 83;
  43. Todorovska, V. Chaloska-Ivanova, N. Joksimovic et al. Adverse Events Detected in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B and C on Antiviral Treatment. Gastroenterology Congresswith International Participation – 2008. Books of lectures: 65-66;
  44. Todorovska B, Joksimovic N, Chaloska-Ivanova V. et al. Liver Cirrhosis and Complications – Common Indication for Hospitalization – Our Experience. Gastroenterology Congresswith International Participation – 2008. Books of lectures:76;
  45. Curakova E, Isahi U, Todorovska B, Chaloska V et al. Epidemiological Characteristics in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma for the 1998-2007 Period. Gastroenterology Congresswith International Participation – 2008. Books of lectures:69;
  46. Joksimovic N, Serafimoski V, Kotevski, V, Chaloska V et al. Management of the Portal Hypertension. Gastroenterology Congresswith International Participation – 2008. Books of lectures: 81;
  47. Andreevski V, Joksimovic N, Serafimoski V, Neskovski M, Chaloska V. et al. The Onset and Prognosis of Hepatorenal Syndrome. Gastroenterology Congresswith International Participation – 2008. Books of lectures: 85;
  48. Trajkovska M, Serafimoski V, Milosevski M, Genadieva-Dimitrova M, Popova R, Chaloska V. Cirrhosis and Portal Hypertension – Duplex Doppler Evaluation on Haemodynamics in Developed Disease. Gastroenterology Congresswith International Participation – 2008. Books of lectures: 29;
  49. Chaloska-Ivanova, B. Todorovska, M. Genadieva-Dimitrova, D. Chaparovska. Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Virus Related Chronic Liver Diseases in Intravenous Drug Abusers. X Congress of Toxicologists Serbia 2010; Book of abstracts: 46;
  50. V. Chaloska-Ivanova. Antivirus Resistance of B Virus – Implications in Clinical Practice and Outcome of Chronic Hepatitis B. Vox Medici 2009; 65: 66-68.
  51. V.Chaloska – Ivanova. Are Perspectives of the Intravenous Drug Users with Hepatitis C improving? Vox Medici; 2010. 67:16-17;
  52. Chaloska-Ivanova, B. Todorovska, V. Avramoski, V. Percan, M. Genadieva-Dimitrova, E.Curakova, V. Serafimoski. Insulin Resistance in Chronic Hepatitis C Comparing to Hepatitis B. National Gastroenterology Conference of Bulgaria, Proceedings; 2009:27-28;
  53. Chaloska-Ivanova, M.Neskovski, G. Petrusevska, M. Trajkovska, K. Stardelova. Ultrastructural Changes in Liver Tissue in Alcoholic Liver Disease. Medical Archive 2002; 56(supl.1):72;
  54. Chaloska-Ivanova V., Neskovski M., Trajanovski D., Trajkovska M., Stardelova K. HBV and HCV Virus Infection in Patients with Chronic Liver Diseases. Mak Med Pregled 2002; 55(Supl.50):28;
  55. V.Chaloska-Ivanova, M. Neskovski, G. Petrusevska, M. Trajkovska, G. Deriban, J. Misevski. ULTRASTRUCTURAL FINDINGS IN LIVER TISSUE IN NASH COMPARED WITH ASH. 10th UEGW Geneva ’02, Gut 2002; 51(Suppl III) A17;
  56. V. Chaloska-Ivanova, M. Neskovski, G. Zografski, L. Ivkovski, G. Deriban, M. Genadieva, M. Milosevski, M. Trajkovska. T-Lymphocyte Subsets in Liver Tissue and Blood from Patients with Alcoholic Liver Disease. 8th UEGW Brussels 2000, Gut/Endoscopy, Vol.32, Suppl.NoIII: A168(P.613);
  57. Chaloska V, Neskovski M, Trajanovski D, Vasilevski V, Miloshevski M, Genadieva M. Characterization of T Lymphocytes in the Liver Tissue in Alcoholic Liver Disease. Steatohepatitis (NASH and ASH) – Falk Symposium No 121, Den Haag, October 14-15, 2000; Book of Abstracts:9;
  58. V. Chaloska-Ivanova, V. Bogdanova, V. Serafimoski, V. Vasilevski, M. Neshkovski, D. Trajanovski, I. Tadzer et al.Quantification of Hepatobiliary Function with Technetium-99m Mebrofenin – Our Experience. New Trends in Hepatology, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 21-22 1996; Book of abstracts: 144;
  59. Chaloska-Ivanova V, Neskovski M, Serafimoski V. Trajkovska M. Todorovska B. Koloska V. Avramovski V Quantification of HBV DNA in Patients with HBeAg Negative Chronic Hepatitis B. Mak Med Pregled, 60; suplement 67: 2006:145.


  1. Viktorija Chaloska – Ivanova, Nenad Joksimovikj: Chronic Hepatitis – Diagnosis and treatment. Monography 2012;
  2. Medical Dietetics, Group of Authors, Faculty of Medicine, Skopje, 2016;
  3. Internal Medicine – Textbook for Students of Faculty of Medicine, Group of Authors, 2020;
  4. Sports Medicine for Physiotherapists, Group of Authors, Faculty of Medicine Skopje, 2018;
  5. Health Care in Radiology, Textbook for Radiologic Technologists, Group of Authors, 2022;
  6. Practicum in Internal Medicine: Group of Authors, Faculty of Medicine Skopje, 2004.

– Interview for ‘Panacea’, 01.03.2021;

– Professional debate regarding the Rare Diseases Day, under the auspices of

Mrs.Elizabeta Gjorgjievska;

– TV appearance at ‘Vizita’ TV Program on Kanal 5 TV Channel, 09.12.2015;

– TV appearance at ‘Vizita’ TV Program on Kanal 5 TV Channel, 03.04.2015;

– TV appearance at ‘Alfa Ordinacija’ TV Program on Alfa TV Channel, 25.08.2018;

– TV appearance at ‘Alfa Ordinacija’ TV Program on Alfa TV Channel, 15.08.2018;

– TV appearance at ‘Dobro Utro, Dobar Den’ TV Program on MTV 1 TV Channel, in three occasions;

– TV appearance on Telma TV Channel;

– TV appearance at ‘Moj Termin’ TV Program on MTV 1 TV Channel;

– TV appearance at ‘Ordinacija na Dr.Jordan Pachkov’ on TV Kumanovo TV Channel.


– A Certificate of Appreciation by the Wilson Association of Macedonia, 2018;

– A Certificate of Appreciation by the Faculty of Medicine, Skopje 2017;

– A Certificate of Appreciation by the SZLM 1992;


Best Abstracts Award of the UEGW – Geneva, 2002

‘Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Academiques’ – High academic recognition by the Government of the Republic of France, 2006;

Plaque by the Macedonian Medical Association, 2008;

Charter ‘Dr.Trifun Panovski’, 2018;

‘Goce Delchev’ Award to the group of authors for the book on Internal Medicine, 2021.