
Thoracic Vascular Surgery

The Thoracic and Vascular Surgery Department is headed by Dr. Mitko Karagjozov, the most experienced surgeon in this field in our region. The Department performs over 1,000 surgical interventions annually,  leading in the number of successfully performed breast interventions. Vascular interventions are performed free of charge for HIFM insurers.


The experienced surgical team supported by specialists from the departments of X-ray diagnostics, pathohistology, nuclear medicine, and by colleagues from respected branches of the Internal Medicine Unit, enables all necessary diagnostic procedures. Appropriate treatment is then offered to the patient within just one visit to our institution. The department provides standardized high technology in the implementation of the diagnostic and therapeutic protocol in treating each patient individually.

Thoracic Surgery

Thoracic surgery is a medical field  of surgical treatment of diseases affecting the thoracic (chest) organs such as: lungs, diaphragm, esophagus, tumor structures of the chest wall and the mediastinal tumors, as well as all congenital chest wall anomalies. Since this area of the human body is delicate and significant, the surgeons’ experience, the collaborative team environment and the use of up-to-date medical equipment are all particularly important in minimizing risks as well as in increasing the overall success rate. Today, lung carcinoma is one of the most common malignancies encountered in everyday practice. The staff at “Acibadem Sistina” Hospital provide multidisciplinary approach to treatment options by regular consultations of physicians from various specialties. In addition to surgeons, these consultations include specialists in the field of anesthesiology, pulmonology, radiology, pathology, oncology, radiotherapy and nuclear medicine. This arrangement enables completion of the most complex interventions in this area with a high degree of success.

Vascular Surgery

Vascular surgery is a specialization which treats diseases of the blood vessels i.e. arteries and veins. Considering the generalized nature of atherosclerosis, the treatment of these patients is carried out through a collaborative team approach of colleagues from the departments of cardiology, radiology, anesthesiology, blood transfusion etc. Therapeutic treatment starts with medical therapy – from minimally-invasive catheter procedures to surgical reconstruction. Blood vessels surgery is perhaps one of the most delicate segments of surgery in general. The department is therefore led by one of the most experienced surgeons in this area in our country.

Breast Surgery

“Acibadem Sistina” puts a special emphasis on the care and treatment of breast diseases. The Breasts Cancer Centre holds consultative meetings of leading experts in the field of X-ray diagnostics, tumor and reconstructive surgery, diagnostic histopathology and oncology, thus thoroughly covering the complete diagnostics, surgical reconstruction and oncological care of all types of breast cancer. The program for educating women in performing breast self-examination in order to prevent breast cancer is designed and developed by “Acibadem Sistina” Hospital, in collaboration with non-governmental organizations.

Thyroid Gland Surgery

In cooperation with the Department of Nuclear Medicine, the Department of Thoracic and Vascular Surgery treats all thyroid gland surgical diseases. Besides the classical surgical approach these surgical interventions are performed in a minimally invasive  video-assisted manner, which is particularly important since the period of rehabilitation is shortened, the post-operative pain is reduced and better aesthetic results are achieved.