Ivana Hadjivanova, Msc.

1. Education


University "St. Cyril and

Methodius" Skopje

Postgraduate studies at the

Faculty of Law, "Justinian Prvi" Major -  ​​Criminal Law and Criminology

Master of Law,

Major - Criminal Law

European Accredited (EAGT)

Gestalt Training Institute "Counseling Center for Humane Cooperation" Skopje

Under the leadership of Spec. Med.

Psychology, Psychologist

Gestalt Psychotherapist

Trainer and Supervisor –Biljana Koprova


(EAGT Membership and Certification)

University "St. Cyril and

Methodius" Faculty of Psychology, Skopje

Graduated Psychologist 

2. Additional Education

EFT Externship –"Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples" attended introductory training at "Center for Emotionally Focused Therapy" in Belgrade, Serbia led by Kiriaki

 Polychronic Psychologist, Family System Psychotherapist, Certified Couch and Supervisor

ICEEFT- Canada (Greece EFT)
Certified education in EMDR psychotherapy technique for working with traumas, under the guidance of a Clinical Psychologist and EMDR

Psychotherapist Isabelle

Fernandez, MD, President of European EMDR

Association, implemented in collaboration with EMDR Italy and

Chamber of Psychologists of RNM.

EMDR Practitioner

Certified education for "Clinical neuropsychology with neuropsychological diagnostics". The program is accredited by the Chamber of Psychologists of RNM, held by "Kognicija - Center for Neuropsychology,

Psychotherapy and Psychology'' led by Tina Vaskov, MS.c

Neuropsychologist and Gordana Tomic, MD,  Clinical neuropsychologist from Belgrade

2021 - On going

(EFTA/EAP) European accredited educational program for Family System Psychotherapy "Institute for Marriage, Family and Systemic Practice - Alternative" in Skopje


(in the 4th year of education for Family System Psychotherapist)


"Psychological First Aid" - Johns Hopkins University,

School of Public Health

Bloomberg (Online course)

IOM-UN Certified Training - "Active and Critical Thinking - Facilitator Training" conducted by

Danijela Torbica and Alena

Velagic from the IOM mission-

UN in Bosnia and Herzegovina,

for the needs of the IOM-UN Mission in Skopje.


Certified training “Learn to

Play Therapy" by 

Karen Stagniti, MD, PhD from

Deakin University,

Australia, held in Belgrade organized by INA Play Therapy.


Certified "Psychodiagnostic" education held at the Institute for Marriage, Family and Systemic Practice "Alternative" - ​​Skopje, led by a Clinical Psychologist, Family-Systemic

Psychotherapist and Coach
Natka Pachovska

The education is accredited by the Chamber of Psychologists of Republic of North Macedonia.


"Training for psychological support of parents to children with special needs" Realized by Resursen

Center and Diana Belevska, MD, PhD,  a project funded by UNICEF - "Expanding opportunities for social inclusion and improving the quality of life of children with disabilities by strengthening their parents and families."


 "IC Thinking, MOVIE-Q" Facilitator training and certification for conducting workshops with youth on crime prevention

Facilitator for "IC

Thinking, MOVIE-Q''

Violent extremism, led Sara Savage, MD, PhD, Cambridge University, held in Sarajevo Bosnia and


(IOM-UN Project) 

3. Working experience


Psychologist, Psychotherapist
Center for treatment of children with developmental disabilities
Acibadem Sistina Hospital
2017-on going employment
NEOCORTEX – Center for
psychodiagnostics, training and education in Skopje
Psychologist and
IOM-UN International Organization for Migration
Consultant psychologist; Mental Health Expert Training; Young people group trainings facilitator
Association of Citizens "EGAL"
Psychologist, Psychotherapist
"Training Center for Pilots"
Petrovec barracks
A project of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of North Macedonia in cooperation with the Republic of Israel
Psychologist for military pilots candidates screening for the ARM and
Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of North Macedonia helicopter units
LULKA - Association for care and education of pregnant women, mothers and children
Psychotherapist and
Lecturer (external associate)
University Clinic of Psychiatry - Clinical Center "Mother Teresa" Skopje

4. Foreign languages


5. Membership

*Chamber of Psychologists - member, holds a special license in the field of Psychology of health - Psychotherapy

*Court of Honor of the first degree - member

*Private Practice Committee - member

*Former president of the Supervisors section, currently a member

*EAGT – Member of the European Association for Gestalt Psychotherapy

*MAGT - Member of the Macedonian Association for Gestalt Psychotherapy - Contact *Member of the National Association for EMDR Therapy, Republic of North Macedonia, former member of the management board


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