
Dr. Pljakoska represented “Acibadem Sistina” at the Congress of Dermatologic Surgery in Athens


At invitation by the Expert-Scientific Board of the Panhellenic Congress of Dermatologic Surgery, Aesthetic Dermatology and Lasers, Dr. Vesna Pljakoska had an exclusive opportunity to participate as a lecturer at the Congress, held at the International Conference Center in Athens, along with eminent lecturers from around the world. The scientific program focused on the most current and the most controversial issues in the profession. The aim was to provide relevant information about the latest scientific achievements and to meet the challenges and opportunities appearing in everyday practice.

“The topic of my lecture was ‘melasma’ – a skin condition that manifests itself with dark hyperpigmented spots, most often on the face. I spoke about the latest scientific theories explaining the causes of melasma, the promising efficacy of the new pharmaceutical therapy, and my personal experience in treating this condition. Namely, this aesthetic problem, especially affecting the female population, is complex in terms of treatment and efficiency. There is a list of treatments, medicaments and procedures that is constantly increasing, but the experiences in everyday practice are controversial. It happens so since the results are visible at least a month after any treatment and its durability can not be predicted. I presented my positive experience with my clients that I apply at our aesthetic department of the hospital, in a combined treatment of eCO2-laser and additional application of PRP (autologous serum) as a mesotherapy”, says Dr. Vesna Pljakoska, a specialist in dermatovenerology.

The presence at such an event is of exceptional importance for the work of every doctor. The opportunity to be among experts in your field means an opportunity for learning from the ultimate experience, and at the same time sharing and perceiving your own successes in the work, as well as upgrading new knowledge, adds Dr. Pljakoska.

“Being part of the ‘Acibadem Sistina’ team is a special honor for me, a constant challenge, but also an intimate happiness. Working in conditions by the world standards, the possibility of applying the latest appliances we get specific educations for and the cooperation with colleagues and team that above all have a generous attitude towards people, in my opinion, is a magic formula for success in the work and satisfaction of our clients and patients”, says Dr. Vesna Pljakoska, a specialist in dermatovenerology.

Last May in Budva she was invited as a lecturer at the European Society for Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dermatology as well.